freezeframe.js is a script that pauses animated .gifs and enables them to animate automatically on mouse hover / mouse click / touch event, or manually with trigger / release functions.
If your code is free of warnings when running under React 0.14, upgrading should be easy. The bulk of changes in this release are actually behind the scenes, impacting the way that React interacts with the DOM. The other substantial change is that React now supports the full range of SVG elements and attributes.
There is an explosion of electronic devices nowadays, and with many of them, it’s possible to interact with them via Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE. However, installing a separate app for interacting with every single bluetooth gadget is impractical. What if we could communicate with them through a web browser?
Broken images are ugly. But they don’t always have to be. We can use CSS to apply styles to the img element to provide a better experience than the default.
It’s important to provide timely feedback to users in your web application. It all started with the introduction of XMLHttpRequest by Microsoft which became what we now know as AJAX...
Accept that sometimes, or for some people, your JavaScript will not work. Put some thought into what that means. Err on the side of basing your work on existing HTML mechanisms whenever you can. Maybe one day a year, get your whole dev team to disable JavaScript and try using your site. Commence weeping.
In February 2014, the Backbone community was in a fairly good place. The core library had reached 1.0 the previous year and had a strong team around it. Marionette had emerged as a de-facto standard for web applications. Since then a few things have happened. First, React has taken off, while Angular and Ember have continued to grow and learn from React and each other.
Science fiction has often been a strong predictor of our technological future. HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey is probably the most (in)famous example of a computer that interacts with its users largely via voice. As a concept, the “talking computer” has appeared time and time again in space-age fiction—everything from Red Dwarf to Interstellar.
React Transform is an experimental project Dan started after giving the Hot Reloading with Time Travel talk at React Europe.
His goal was to bring a live editing environment that preserves component state and handles errors gracefully to as many React users as possible.
As a human being you understand the asynchronous nature of information flow. You intuitively know that it's just not efficient or practical to stop everything you are doing every time you need to retrieve or communicate information.
When Node.js 6 launches with new V8 improvements, powerful new language features like destructuring assignment and proxies will work out of the box–without requiring special measures like command line flags or transpilers.
Newsletter content curated by Darko from Infinum JavaScript Team