Most browsers handle image resizing pretty well. They blur the image and it doesn’t look so bad. So, it is fine serving a tiny image and then lazy load the big one with JavaScript.
ESLint and JSCS started out at roughly the same time, just three weeks apart in 2013. Both teams had a similar idea: leverage the ecosystem of ESTree-compatible tools such as Esprima to create the next generation of static analysis tools for JavaScript...
Microsoft and Facebook announced at Facebook’s developer conference, F8 2016, that they’re adding Universal Windows Platform (UWP) support to React Native.
In this article, the author is continuing Building Realtime Apps tutorial series by taking a look at how to build a realtime chat application using CycleJS, a functional, reactive framework that uses the Reactive JavaScript Extensions under the hood.
So you've read some blog posts, watched some conference videos, and finally you're ready to get your feet wet with Angular 2. What are some things you should know starting out?
Icons are symbols that can convey a ton of information and really help people comprehend directions, signs, and interfaces. Its important that we create and use them so that they can reach the largest amount of people possible.
Symbols are a new, unique, primitive type introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). They were added to the language in order to solve the problem of extending the functionality of Object while maintaining backwards-compatibility with code written in earlier versions of JavaScript.
Object-oriented programming can be implemented in many ways. Other languages, such as Java, use class-based model where the language separates classes and instances of objects. In JavaScript there aren't any classes, but instead everything is an object. Inheritance in JavaScript is based on prototypal inheritance where objects inherit directly from other objects.
The negation pseudo-class, :not, can be incredibly useful. It allows us to target elements based on what attributes they don't have, rather than what they do. This helps us avoid writing extra, increasingly specific, rules in an attempt to override previous ones.
There seems to be some confusion in the industry over what constitutes a "CSS hack". Louis Lazaris explains what are hacks and how they're used in CSS.
Until we have Retina displays everywhere, we’re going to have to live with antialiasing techniques. The problem is that computers are terrible at doing it automatically. Because the computer doesn’t know what is in the resized image, it doesn’t know where to optimize using half-pixels.
Mozilla is working on browser prototypes that look and feel almost nothing like the current Firefox. The premise for these experiments couldn’t be simpler: what we need a browser to do for us —both on PCs and mobile devices — has changed a lot since Firefox 1.0, and we’re long overdue for some fresh approaches.
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