jQuery 3.0 is now released! This version has been in the works since October 2014. jQuery Foundation set out to create a slimmer, faster version of jQuery (with backwards compatibility in mind). They removed all of the old IE workarounds and taken advantage of some of the more modern web APIs where it made sense.
Errors are one of the more frustrating things you encounter while programming. Those little messages in the console can ruin your entire afternoon, day, or week. When “undefined is not a function” appears yet again, it’s often time to get another coffee.
A multi-process architecture is finally coming to Firefox. Known by its codename, “Electrolysis” or “e10s,” this project aims to split the Firefox browser into a single process for the UI, and several processes for web content, media playback, plugins, etc.
HTTPie (pronounced aitch-tee-tee-pie) is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about what’s new in Bootstrap 4, and Carol was curious to examine the visual appearance & style differences. Here is a visual guide that will show you what’s new in Bootstrap 4 as compared to Bootstrap 3.
You want X lines of text. Anything after that, gracefully cut off. That's "line clamping" and it is a perfectly legit desire. When you can count on text be
Electron is excellent. There's a long history of ways to package HTML and Javascript into an installed desktop app. The result usually feels like a web app detached from the rest of the OS.
Google I/O talk that's less about web components and more about why input element sucks. Also, some thoughts on accessibility, maintainability and performance in modern components/libraries/widgets.
Arrow function in JavaScript is great, but... there are cases when it should be avoided. Check the common pitfalls when using arrow function with explanations and examples.
The next time you talk to an Android programmer or designer, try this little experiment: tell them you use a lot of webviews. Then wait for the confounded looks on their face and the subtle “ouch, sorry” nodding of the head.
When Node.js came into existence, an ES Modules proposal didn’t exist. Node.js decided to use CommonJS Modules. But how do we deal with interoperability between standard ES Modules and CommonJS-style modules in such a big ecosystem? This question has been debated heavily since the beginning of the ES Modules spec process.
In node.js’s early days back in 2010, the node.js website featured an example of a tcp echo server. This is the birth of node’s most important api, the Stream. But things were just beginning to take form...