Ever since the work on 2.0 started back in April, the core team has made significant contributions to API design, bug fixes, documentation and TypeScript typings, and the community also provided extremely valuable feedback on API changes
In-depth article about Unicode in JavaScript: basic concepts, escape sequences, normalization, surrogate pairs, combining marks and how to avoid pitfalls
Accessibility is a key piece to building the web, but for some reason using labels is considered unattractive. However, there's a design-friendly way to make accessible labels.
Using cover and contain values for the background-size property makes it easy to create background images that cover the complete browser window, but for a very long time web developers didn’t have control over much else. What designers needed was “flexbox for backgrounds”: the ability to evenly distribute tiled images. With the release of Firefox 49, that feature is now available in every major browser, in the form of round and space values.
Typography is fundamental to good design, branding, readability, and accessibility. Webfonts enable all of the above and more: the text is selectable, searchable, zoomable, and high-DPI friendly, providing consistent and sharp text rendering regardless of the screen size and resolution.
Many of us are not using SVG to its full potential. SVG is often used as an alternative image format or as a simple solution for icons, and whilst it’s great for these things, it’s also a lot more than that. SVG can solve problems that HTML and CSS alone can’t.
Today you can debug your browser JavaScript files and Node.js ones in the same DevTools window in parallel, which makes the perfect sense. Let’s take a look how it works.
In this quick write-up, we’ll cover how to take advantage of your existing knowledge of features in Sublime Text and apply them to another powerful tool in your arsenal — the Chrome DevTools.