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"Easy is boring. That's why I love the web and browsers." - Remy Sharp

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Why I Love Element Queries & You Should Too!
Element queries are similar to media queries, except that their rules apply to the properties of elements instead of the browser's viewport.
Element queries open up new dimensions in the way you (as a CSS author) can design your responsive styles. You're no longer limited to conditions based on just width and height; you can utilize all-new dimensions of responsive expression.
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In the news
The new library is more modular than before, starting at just 10kb for Polymer.Element, the base class to extend elements from. The developers have squeezed out even more performance increases on native browsers, like Safari Tech Preview and Chrome. Polymer 2.0 remains focused on bringing development closer to the platform than ever before, leveraging the power of the browser to build performant, large-scale applications.
Positron was an experimental runtime for creating desktop apps using web technologies. It was based on Firefox, and its principal feature was that it was Electron-compatible.
Tools & libraries
Natural language detection
Configure webpack using functional feature blocks.
Tutorials & guides
When HTML is written incorrectly, nothing much happens. Because of this, it's easy to have invalid, unsemantic, or unaccessible bits in markup without it being obvious...

10 concrete, (mostly) real life use cases for ES6 Proxy. +2 extra. With performance measurement and full source code.
Let’s talk about state management in React. Or to be precise, why you might use MobX instead of Redux...
For beginners
The package.json file is core to the Node.js ecosystem and is a basic part of understanding and working with Node.js, npm, and even modern JavaScript.
BEM, or Block-Element-Modifier, is a methodology, a naming system, and a suite of related tools. Created at Yandex, BEM was designed for rapid development by sizable development teams.
When designing and developing for the world wide web, you can't really tell where your customers will come from? But you should know the facts.
Just based on the paper title alone, if you had to guess what the situation is with outdated JavaScript libraries on the web, you’d probably guess it was pretty bad. It turns out it’s very bad indeed, and we’ve created a huge mess with nowhere near enough attention being paid to the issue. The first step towards better solutions is recognising that we have a problem...
Tim has not been shy in expressing my opinion of AMP. As a performance “framework”, it would be ok. But it’s not treated that way. It’s treated as the incentive. Create AMP content, and you can get in the “Top Stories” carousel and you can get AMP’s little “lightning-bolt of approval”.
Remy came up with Remynification, a new way to minify CSS. This technique beats every competing technique that he is aware of, on every CSS file that he threw it its direction.
Hello from the server side
Arguably the biggest new feature in Node.js 7.6.0 is that the much awaited async function keyword is now available without a flag. Callback hell and promise hell are now in the past. But, like Uncle Ben always reminded us, with great power comes great responsibility, and async/await gives you a lot of new and exciting ways to shoot yourself in the foot. You still need to handle errors and be aware of the async nature of your code, otherwise you'll inevitably be complaining about "async/await hell" in 6 months.
A collection of different layouts made with CSS grids
Curated by Infinum's JS team.
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