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"Easy is boring. That's why I love the web and browsers." - Remy Sharp

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A Love Letter to CSS

TJ VanToll explains why, despite the ridicule CSS sometimes gets from the developer community, he still loves it for its flexibility, simplicity and power.

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In the news
Given the momentum of cross-browser support for WebAssembly, the Chrome team plans to focus our native code efforts on WebAssembly going forward. They will remove support for PNaCl in the first quarter of 2018 everywhere except inside Chrome Apps and Extensions.
The electron npm package now includes a TypeScript definition file that provides detailed annotations of the entire Electron API. These annotation can improve your Electron development experience even if you’re writing vanilla JavaScript. Just npm install electron to get up-to-date Electron typings in your project.

The Node.js team is excited to announce Node.js 8.0.0. The new improvements and features of this release create the best workflow for Node.js developers to date.
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Tutorials & guides
David has always found flexbox pretty easy to work with — a breath of fresh air after years of floating and clearfixing.
Recently though, he found himself fighting against it; something was flexing when he didn’t think it should be flexing. He fixed it, something else got squashed. He fixed that, then something else got pushed right off the screen. 
Get up and running quickly with this selection of tools for Microsoft's VS Code, an Electron-based text editor that's streamlined for Node.js development.

If you keep up with the jargon within the web development and design industry it's likely that at some point you will have come across the term "duck" at least once or twice. Apart from it being fun to feed bread to them, ducks in the web industry hold at least two completely different meanings.
Expectations for what a web site should be able to do have evolved enormously. Users expect snappy, desktop-like responsiveness and rich presentation in web apps. They also expect those same web apps to work equally well on mobile devices. And they expect these apps to load basically instantly...
As front-end developers, we're well aware that different browsers (and versions) support different web platform features. We make choices based on the support of those features balanced with what analytics tell us about what browsers our users use. For example, if our Google Analytics tell us only 0.01% of users are left on IE 9, perhaps we'll decide it's OK to start using Flexbox.
One of the claims that Yarn makes is that it makes your package management “deterministic”. But what exactly does this mean? This blog post highlights how both Yarn and npm 5 are deterministic, but differ in the exact guarantees they provide and the tradeoffs they have chosen.
Hello from the server side
"HTTP/2 push will solve that" is something Jake has heard a lot when it comes to page load performance problems, but he didn't know much about it, so he decided to dig in.
What's new in node js 8? In this post, we collected every new feature you need to know about node 8. 

Big Ben and few other pieces of the Palace of Westminster reimagined in CSS 3D.

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