What's going on in < / > world
"Easy is boring. That's why I love the web and browsers." - Remy Sharp

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The Secret of Simple Code
How 10x Developers Produce 10x Value
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A collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React
MobX 6 is a new major version that doesn't bring many new features, but is rather a consolidation of MobX on the current state of affairs in JavaScript.
Libs, Tools & References
A growing list of accessibility tools and resources
Using the keyboard only will tell you a lot about the accessiblity of your website.
Buttons are such a foundational part of any website that we often take them for granted. They’re an iconic component in web design, but it’s rare that a button delights the user or creates a memorable experience.
In this article, we built a simple Counter with both Classes and Factory functions. You learned how to add event listeners to both Object-Oriented Programming programming flavors. Here, both flavors work.
At first, callbacks were the primary way for us to handle asynchronicity in JavaScript. Callbacks allow us to write code that is not yet ready to be executed because its parameters depend on the execution of some task(s) that will be complete in the future. Fastly we began to gain acquaintance with the callback hell.
Kent has taught React to tens of thousands of developers. Before and after hooks were released. One thing he has observed is people tend to struggle with the useEffect hook and there are some common hang-ups for them that he'd like to address here.
For beginners
Media queries can modify the appearance (and even behavior) or a website or app based on a matched set of conditions about the user's device, browser or system settings.
Hello from the server-side
"I started reading Node.js Design Patterns this week. I got the Third Edition, and have not spent any time looking into what's changed from prior editions. The first 6 chapters cover fundamental knowledge, before getting into the meaty named Design Patterns"