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"Easy is boring. That's why I love the web and browsers." - Remy Sharp

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Temporal: getting started with JavaScript’s new date time API
Date, JavaScript’s current date time API is infamously difficult to use. The ECMAScript proposal “Temporal” is a new and better date time API and currently at stage 3.
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ES2021 as approved by the Ecma General Assembly. Here you can see what's new...
Libs, Tools & References
The largest Node.js CLI Apps best practices list
Here are several key ideas that hopefully help you gain new tools to identify why a set of components in your app may not be as readable as they could be. What are the pitfalls?
Learn about the old and new way to style custom scrollbars in CSS.
In this article you will get to know about smooth CSS Shadows and a easy way to use them.
Clipping and masking have been around for a while now in CSS and even have pretty decent browser support...
Variable fonts have a hidden superpower that just not enough people are raving about. This feature will make letters actually change the way they look when shown in small or large sizes. It all happens automatically in the browser. All you need is a variable font with an optical size axis!
How can you help your user filling in an online form? By always making the label of a form control visible and connected!
This article explores the fun new world of SVG favicons. We cover adding them to HTML, using emojis, inlining them as data URIs, and supporting dark mode.
Demoing startTransition is hard. Modern computers are too fast 😅